Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Calvin and Mabel A Wedding in Bali

Hello beautiful people !! I am back to Malaysia, and boy, what an adventurous ride for the past four days. I travelled to Bali, Indonesia to cover my friends wedding ceremony, as well as doing some pre-wedding shots at the surrounding locations of the breathtakingly stunning looking island. It was a full on solid four days of shooting and and shooting and shooting and I have come back with a truck load of photographs !! Here is a preview, comprising of small selection of my favourite photographs in this blog entry.

This was my first Destination Wedding assignment, and I was very nervous and excited at the same time. There were many uncertainties and doubts in the beginning, but thank goodness everything went smoothly and beautifully. The sky was perfect for all the times of shooting, including the actual day of wedding ceremony itself, and no one could have asked for a better weather on such an important occasion for Calvin and Mabel. I have known both Calvin and Mabel since my university days in Perth, and it was indeed a huge thing for them to get married. They did it with style in Bali, and I was honored and privileged to be the invited as the photographer for their most special day.

All images in this entry were taken with Olympus DSLR: E-5 and E-520, Zuiko Digital Lenses: 11-22mm F2.8-3.5, 50mm F2 macro, 50-200mm F2.8-3.5 and 8mm fisheye.

The wedding ceremony was held at Infinity Chapel at Conrad Resort, Bali.

Everything and everyone were running on extremely tight schedule, there was very little time to breathe in between. There was the Bachelors party which I had to shoot immediately upon arrival on Friday night in Bali, and Saturday itself was filled with rehearsals, Chinese tea ceremony and family dinner. Sunday was "the day", and began with pre-wedding shots at the beach, then followed by the actual Wedding Ceremony in the late afternoon approaching sunset. Without a pause in between, the Wedding Reception dinner happened immediately after the ceremony till late. There was almost non-stop shooting. Was I exhausted? This was probably not the most tiring assignment, but surely, most challenging and fulfilling at the same time.

I have learned such a great deal from an actual experience of being there in a Destination Wedding. It is usually very easy to just admire and awe at the other destination wedding photographers portfolio, but not having the idea of how the photography was being carried out, and of course, not knowing all the difficulties and struggles the photographer faced in such job as well. Though this was my first time, I can really see how dangerously possible for anything to go wrong from anytime. It was about how prepared the photographer is, the ability to think ahead an anticipate occurring events, but at the same time, capable to react quickly should any emergency rises and come up with a spontaneous plan to quickly resolve any issue that may obstruct the overall workflow or photography process. It is easier said than done, and I too, have faced my set of challenges, but by Gods grace, all went well, and I was actually surprised because I expected more hiccups and mishaps. Nonetheless, Calvin and Mabel have put a lot of thoughts and planning in their wedding, and I must say, this was one of the best coordinated and executed wedding ceremony I have ever attended, even though it was actually more complicated because it was not done locally and it involved invited guests flying from all over the world.

I have brought along all my photography equipments, which consist of very humble set of equipments and a small selection of lenses. My current lens line-up was able to cater almost everything I needed: 11-22mm for most of my wide angle needs, 50mm macro for close up on details, portraits, 50-200mm for shooting from far distance (which came in surprisingly useful at many times) and not to forget the fisheye, to provide extra extra wide coverage. I must say that having absolute faith and trust in your equipments is very, very crucial, because even the slightest doubt will throw your mentality off-balance. Lighting during the ceremony and outdoor shooting was harsh, but I find the camera to handle the skin tone and dynamic range very well, since all photographs were taken at lower ISO sensitivies anyway. I found my current lenses to work efficiently, especially the combo of 11-22mm and 50mm as my primary shooting lenses, which at times I would switch to 50-200mm and fisheye to achieve certain effects. The signature famous Olympus colors shined throughout the photographs because of the clear blue skies. I did use the aid of wireless TTL flash for fill in during some impossibly harsh back-lit situation. Above all, I think technicalities is not the major concern, there were many others things that come into the equation as well: communication with the couple, direction of poses, overall planning, etc etc.

I think it is many peoples dream to have a wedding in a foreign land, such as the ever-popular Bali. Witnessing one happen right before my eyes, through my own viewfinder was a truly memorable and unforgettable experience. The wedding was so beautiful, I even shed a few tears myself in some eventful parts. Although I did not get any chance to travel or sightseeing and do street photography in Bali but I felt very satisfied and unimaginably happy being given the opportunity to cover such a beautiful wedding. I sincerely felt honored and touched by Calvin and Mabels generosity, and I have to thank them for their faith and trust in me. I pray that God bless their marriage, and be with them, continue showering them with blessings at all times through their walk together.

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