Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Being Diagnosis Free

My son left the hospital a mystery. He had a lot of testing done. Everything came back negative. All leads were followed through and the dozen or so doctors and specialists working on my sons case couldnt figure out what made my son so sick. The official diagnosis was dehydration. Dehydration seems like a symptom, not a cause. I spoke to some doctors who, when pressed, showed dissenting opinions about the official diagnosis as well as some of the speculated diagnoses, but they could not provide a clear answer.

This is not my ideal situation, but the doctors did all of the testing they could and there was nothing left to do. I dont blame them or think they were in any way negligent. There are two options as to what will come of this incident.


Daniel may live the rest of his life without going through anything like this again. If the cause was something he ate or an undetected head injury, both of which were thoroughly tested for, it was a one-time event and unlikely to repeat itself.


This could happen again. If he has diabetes or a metabolic disorder and the test results were wrong, we will land ourselves in the hospital again. At that point, the doctors will be forced to come to a definitive conclusion and we can move forward from there.

I cant articulate exactly how much testing was done, as I dont have a copy of all of the records. However, there have been some suggestions from readers as to what it might be. As I read each one, I noted that each had already been looked into by doctors or specialists, from meningitis to botulism, and all were ruled out.

One doctor said that the hardest thing for me will be to not suspect that this is happening again each time my son shows the first sign of sickness. He was a doctor that thought it was a one-time thing. He is right. It will be difficult for Dan and I to decipher what is regular kid-sickness, and what is a serious, life-threatening event. Our plan is to continue to pray for wisdom.

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